Supporting schools to improve teaching of phonics, early language and reading in Reception & Year 1

Our English Hub showcase events are practical, half day workshops designed to promote and share best practice in relation to the teaching of early language, reading and phonics. They have been carefully structured with inputs from school leaders, literacy and EYFS specialists and will include opportunities for lesson and teaching observations, action planning and facilitated, professional discussion.
The showcase events will consider implications for curriculum intent, implementation and impact as well as providing the opportunity for schools to find out more about the work of the English Hub and how their schools can access support, funding and further engagement.
28th November 2024
16th January 2025
26th February 2025
23rd April 2025
17th June 2025
Showcase Events are fully funded for all schools and contributions to cover costs will be available for eligible schools following the attendance of the Headteacher.
Showcase Events will be held at Whiston Worrygoose Primary School, S60 4AG
Schools are only required to attend one Showcase Event.

OU/UKLA Teachers Reading Group
Whiston Worrygoose English Hub invites anyone committed to developing young people’s desire, delight and engagement as readers to join our online Reading Group. These groups provide free evidence–based CPD for all teachers to enrich their understanding of reading for pleasure (RfP) and how to support it.
The aims of the sessions are:
- To foster children’s reading for pleasure through supporting teachers’ own RfP and research-informed practice
- To support the profession by building a professional community around RfP locally and online
- To share teachers’ resultant development work on the OU RfP website
The five sessions are informal, friendly and supportive and will be ised to help develop evidence-informed practice, widen our knowledge of high-quality literature and other texts written for children, enrich our RfP pedagogy and document the impact on the young people as readers.
Course Dates (Remote Sessions)
3.30 – 5.00pm – Please select the dates you wish to attend – previous content will be re-capped at the start of each session
Tuesday 15th October 2024
Monday 14th November 2024
Monday 13th January 2025
Monday 3rd March 2025
Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Cost: Fully funded for all schools through the DfE English Hubs Programme.

Reading Ambition for All: Teaching children who need the most support, including those with SEND.
This CPD programme explores the appropriate teaching, support and provision of phonics teaching for children not reading at age-related expectations, with a particular focus on those with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It draws on the latest research about how children learn to read, and effective approaches to teaching those who need specific adaptations to make progress. The programme will enable participants to confidently assess, plan and teach reading to all children using the guidance and resources from their chosen SSP programme.
The course is primarily aimed at reading leaders, SENDCos and senior leaders. We are inviting headteachers to attend Modules 1 and 4; other participants will need to attend all modules. Participants will take responsibility for the cascading of training within their school.
Course Dates (Online Sessions)
1:00 – 3:00pm – Please select the dates you wish to attend.
Module 1
22nd October 2024
Module 2
3rd December 2024
Module 3
2nd February 2025
Module 4
26th March 2025
Module 5
2nd July 2025
Cost: Fully funded for all schools through the DfE English Hubs Programme.

22/23 Ofsted Update: Phonics & Early Reading Briefing Led by Kirsty Godfrey
This online webinar provides delegates with a valuable insight into what inspectors will be considering when they look at how well schools teach children to read, what high quality reading provision looks like and how schools can better prepare.
Foundations for Phonics with Kirstie Page: Facilitating Language Skills
This webinar explores how having a greater understanding of children’s gaps can be used to inform our interactions and approach to language enrichment and help practitioners to create targeted opportunities and focused activities within the learning environment.
Foundations for Phonics with Kirstie Page: Phonic Preparation
Throughout this webinar Kirstie examines which skills feed directly into phonic readiness and looks closely at improving how targeted and incremental existing practice can become. The webinar also provides the opportunity to explore other skill strands that feed directly into readiness such as sequential auditory memory, conceptual understanding and visual skills.
Foundations for Phonics with Kirstie Page: Identifying Barriers to Phonic Learning and Progression
This webinar revisits some of the skill strands explored throughout earlier sessions but with greater emphasis placed upon older pupils who have gaps within them which have become barriers to their learning and progression. The webinar looks in more detail at the likely skill barriers for blending and grapheme-phoneme correspondence and considers more broadly issues such as reading comprehension and reading fluency.
How to Spot a Child at Risk of Falling Behind in Reading Led by David Morgan
David Morgan is the founder and CEO of DM Education and co-author of the Amazon best seller, ‘The 9 Main Causes of Reading Difficulty’. During the webinar, David shares his research informed insights and experiences of helping struggling readers based on a neurological analysis of what happens in the brain when someone reads or spells. The webinar supports delegates to better identify and support children at risk of falling behind in reading by providing an overview of some of the possible causes of reading difficulty and the corresponding, practical solutions to overcome them.

The DfE have recently announced that they will not now be publishing the previously promised update to the Letters and Sounds progression. Schools will continue to be able to access the original 2007 framework online. Following this announcement, schools will naturally have questions regarding the continuation of Letters and Sounds and the DfE have provided the following reassurance:
- There is no suggestion that Letters and Sounds will disappear.
- Current L&S accredited training will continue until July 2023, so there will be continuity for schools who are already using the current programme.
- The new validated list (following a re-validation process to begin Summer 2021) means there will be more high-quality choice for schools looking at which SSP to use.
- There will be no expectation that schools using Letters and Sounds well, and achieving excellent results, will have to change to a new programme.
- There is no need to rush any decision about choosing an SSP; schools will be provided with support and guidance about the range of options.

Here at the English Hub we are determined to continue to offer support and advice to schools throughout these difficult and unusual times. With this in mind we have produced a resource which provides access to a selection of resources and websites which can help ensure that children are accessing high quality content which is both educational and engaging. Use the materials as a stimulus for speaking and listening activities, engaging with high quality texts or to motivate children to write down their own ideas or responses. If you would like any further help or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.