Leading Business & Operations Teams

Excellence in Practice

A collaborative opportunity to link theory with practice – a chance to share problems in practice, consider change management solutions in the business of education

 Expressions of Interest for September 2022

 We will contact you with more information.

Business Operations


Schools, academies and MATs have a diverse workforce collectively contributing to ensure both organisational effectiveness and business function. Never more so has the role of the non-teacher leaders required investment in professional development beyond their specialism as key facilitators in the drive to raise outcomes for children and young people. ‘Leading Business & Operations Teams – Excellence in Practice’ is therefore aimed at non-teacher specialists in schools/MATs with responsibility for leading a team and/or influencing policy and practice across a school or number of schools. Although non-teaching functions vary, there are some consistent key leadership themes, skills and capabilities needed to deliver excellence in areas of expert responsibility. This innovative opportunity has been designed specifically to support colleagues develop their leadership competencies and capabilities within an educational context.

Examples of the 2021/22 EIP experience


Who is this experience for?

Are You…

  • An associate professional with responsible for leading and managing other people and/or policy in school operations or business support
  • Keen to explore strategies to effectively lead others and communicate with impact to get the outcomes you want
  • Keen to access tried and tested techniques and strategies of leading others and systems which you can use in your role and team tomorrow?
  • Wanting to learn how to implement and evaluate an effective change management plan?
  • Wishing to engage in a network and gain exposure to expert facilitators and other non-teacher leaders and managers?

What you will learn about

2 terms delivered through a blend of synchronous learning including face to face sessions, live webinars, a school visit plus reflection and reading. Full attendance and engagement with all sessions throughout the experience including the school visit and participation in a VIVA assessment.

The Leadership Mindset

Creating the Conditions for Improvement (understanding self)
Understanding Project Implementation, Management & Impact
Identifying Practical Problems, Organisation, Communication and Decision Making
Contributing to Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Excellence
Meeting Pupil Needs
Creating a Leadership Environment
Engaging Others, Courageous Conversations & Achieving Success
Securing Sustainable Change
Embracing Partnerships, Collaboration & Innovation for the future

Assessment and Accreditation

This is an innovative, practical leadership experience for busy people. Therefore, participants will focus on a school-based priority (linked to the school/Trust’s development plan) throughout the experience and are not required to complete a lengthy written submission or external assessment. However, to add professional challenge and validity, throughout the learning experience, participants will work towards a 30 minute VIVA presentation. The VIVA is designed to support participants to reflect on how they have implemented learning from the experience to develop their leadership mind-set and used strategies to impact positively on young people through their project in school.

Participation will be endorsed by Learners First School Partnership.


Intended Impact

  • To build participants’ confidence to lead with impact beyond the classroom
  • To learn how to successfully lead a change strategy from inception, planning, implementation and review
  • To develop a professional network of peer to peer support and challenge beyond participants’ current school/MAT
  • To implement effective strategies into every day practice to have a positive impact on school improvement and outcomes for pupils.
LF White

Dates, Times and Delivery Methods

2 terms delivered through a blend of synchronous learning including face to face sessions, live webinars, a school visit plus reflection and reading. Full attendance and engagement with all sessions throughout the experience including the school visit and participation in a VIVA assessment.



Face-to-Face days


(Government Guidelines Permitting)

live webinars





Elective School Visit

Central to the ‘Learning to Lead – Excellence in Practice’ experience is the opportunity to visit another school, similar or different in context to your own setting (to be informed by the self-assessment). This will be arranged in conjunction with Learners First and will enable participants to consider their leadership learning and school project priority in action, with agreed protocols for attendance and follow up.

(For participants electing to undertake the visit, there is an expectation for them to have the release time agreed by their headteacher/CEO in advance.)

LF White

Programme Cost

£425 per delegate. This is fully funded for participants from schools subscribing to Learners First in 2021/22.

LF White

Who can apply?

Non-teacher leaders and managers who are responsible for leading other colleagues who carry out a support or business function in schools. The experience is suitable for managers/leaders of IT, premises, governance, finance, administration, data management, HR, marketing etc.

Applications now open.